Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day of Hope

As many of us have debated what to start, stop, change for the new year, I felt God's presence working in me to openly share my daily prayers with my friends and family. I find one of my greatest flaws as a Christian is my difficulty with prayer. I was so excited about a bible study recently on the act of prayer. I was totally motivated to transform and invoke the learning into my daily life, but quickly got distracted by far less important activities. During a recent sermon, it was suggested taking on something versus giving up. I think God was opening my eyes to an idea. You see, I work well with being accountable to something. Of course, some might say, "but, don't you feel accountable to God already?" Absolutely!! However, sometimes without tangible (like my friends and family right in front of me), I can get off track, distracted, consumed by the day-to-day hubbub. So, with the "Weight Watchers" type support group afforded through text and FaceBook, I'm virtually answering to all of you as well. In addition, I've set a daily calendar reminder to post my daily conversation with God.

I love this idea...the idea of speaking to God as I do with my loved ones. What would I share with a loved one? A concern? A joy? A thank you? A funny event? I think the reason I have failed to invoke these daily conversations is because I worried what I needed/wanted was so minute in comparison to those struggling with health, financial, emotional, or relational issues. Literally, I didn't want to take time away from God! But, I realized how disrespectful that logic is to God. He is our Father. He loves us. God is just as interested in what I would share with my grandfather, for example, as He is with a family needing comfort after the loss of a child. As I embark on this lifetime journey, I hope in some little way, sharing my conversations with God with you might provide comfort and support...or, who knows, maybe even entertainment! Have a blessed day!!

Day 1: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you. Thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful family of uniqueness! Lord, despite technical labels of aunt, uncle, cousin, our family tosses them away!! From an outsider's perspective, hearing about an Uncle Brother might be shocking and concerning. But, step into our family, and you witness joy, support, and compassion from aunts being moms, cousins serving as aunts, and uncles/aunts transforming into an amazing bunch of siblings. How beautiful to be blessed with this family!! Lord, I am indebted to you.

Father, thank you for instilling in me the desire for maintaining and starting traditions. Who would've expected a passing suggestion of celebrating each new year together playing a game would become something for which we all look forward!! Lord, I pray each member of my family is provided a bit of hope of the greatness to come in this new year!!

Father, may I ask you to continue working in the lives of my loved ones? Lord, I pray my family will experience the same joy and lifting of burdens I do when I fall to your feet and release my burdens to You. Father in Heaven, thank you for your Son and the hope He provides.

God, I pray you continue working through me in my daily life. Please help me have patience with my children, reduce my angst toward a coworker, and foster my hope, Lord, for my mother to continue developing this connection with me. Just like Joseph enduring slavery to become a great leader, Lord I pray through the death of my brother, You will use me to help lead my mother safely through her grief and overcome her lifelong burdens. Father in Heaven, thank you for sharing with me the hope there is for my mother, our relationship, and our entire family!!

I love you.


  1. Absolutely love it Jasmine -- kinda makes me want to join in ;-)

    It's so easy to feel like our many and varied prayers are too trivial for Him, or to give to Him in true prayer - but He wants all of us, not part of who we are! May I spend the year remembering this as well. Thanks for the reminder, my friend.

    1. Agreed, Katrina!! When I start to succumb to the "this trivial thing isn't worth God's attention," I remind myself (sometimes) that if it is something I would've shared with my grandfather, then I'll share with God! Have a joyous year!!
