Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day of Perseverance

New Year's resolutions demonstrate people's willingness to embark on all sorts of things...give up something, take on something, change something, etc. I think most often, the intentions are just and genuine. In Forrest Gump, the beginning of a new year is summed up similarly to our intent of resolutions, "Don't you just love New Year's? You can start all over. Everybody gets a second chance."

However, it appears one common denominator prevents many from making it past a couple of weeks with the good intentions...perseverance. Let's face it, we know the things we need or desire to change, but we lack the willpower when the fire starts to fade and realities of hard work face us. All aspects of our physical and spiritual health require perseverance.

Day 9: Heavenly Father, thank you for persevering to make life with your people. We have fallen so short of your grace and mercy over and over and over, yet You still guide us, comfort us, and love us. Lord, why is it easy for me to view my own parenting as par for the course when repetitive teaching is necessary, but when I view your grace for us, I am awestruck? Lord, where is the balance in being humble to your gifts and blinded to them? This is where I continue falling short, please forgive me! I yearn to view your parenting just as I did my grandfather's, yet I continue to be bewildered by your omnipotence and do not feel worthy. Holy Spirit please touch me with that deep in the gut feeling to provide me physical reminders God in Heaven is my father here on earth!

Father God, thank you for life's lessons and opportunities to help me persevere when life seems to be stacked against me. Jesus, I see in my children what you demonstrated as the Son. You never gave up on us. I cry out to you knowing your suffering was caused by my sins. You persevered through exhaustion, agony, betrayal, and crucifixion because of His great plan. There was no reason to question or ask or muddy the waters with rationale because you trusted your Father. As I reflected on my daughter's exhausting wrestling practice this evening, You showed me what an amazing lesson she demonstrates through perseverance. Despite the chips being stacked against her as a girl competing in a predominately male sport, she fights through grueling workouts because she knows her coach sees great promise. She exhausts her body because she won't accept anything, but perfection. She battles through stereotypes of what her gender should and should not do because she loves the sport. Just as you accepted your Father's direction with all trust in Him, so does she accept whatever her coach directs because she trusts him. 

God, how beautiful to witness your lessons of perseverance through a child! I pray when I may be close to giving up on a resolution or path you've laid before me because it feels too difficult, I will remember your lessons of perseverance. Amazing gifts can be reached if I don't give up too soon.

I love you.

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