Friday, August 15, 2014

Day of Return

Wow! It's been a few months since I've posted my prayers. I've missed this forum! Where have I been you might ask? I think God might've been asking the same thing. Strangely, it wasn't as if I had some "shaking my fist" at Heaven period wondering where God was in my life. Thankfully, I know He's always present! Regrettably, it was human emotion which separated me from hearing Him and recognizing His presence.

Many things have occurred in the last few months, not particularly those one generally likes to share publicly. Of course, I tend to shy away from what the public generally does; so, in due time, I'll share some of these "what's been going on" things. In fact, as if you couldn't already figure out, I don't mind sharing my life's ups and downs; joys and sorrows; and, trials and tribulations, especially if my experiences can offer some support or connection to shared experiences. For this return prayer, however, I'm going to focus on His magnetism.

Webster's defines magnetism as "a quality that makes someone able to attract and hold the interest of other people." If we are created in God's image, why is it we step so far out of His reflection and our interest in Him appears to waver?

Think about it! God tells us to trust in Him for answers, but our human impatience seeks direction in "experts." God tells us to lean on Him for strength, but our human weakness guides us toward worldly dangers. God tells us to look to Him for direction, but our human pride and greed gravitate toward unhealthy desires. God expresses His love for us, but our human observation of what we're doing to ourselves leaves us exclaiming "what love?" All our tendencies seem to reflect the opposite of our Heavenly Father...frankly, they make me go "hmmmmm." The only conclusion I can draw is He knows within our core we will in fact be drawn back to Him and be able to reflect His image because of His grace. How awesome is that!! This is exactly how I describe parenting to my children!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for your constant presence in my life even when I choose to distance myself. Thank you for your powerful magnetism fighting against my human will!

God, you are indeed amazing! Not like the "omgosh, dinner was amazing!" or "what an amazing accomplishment!" You leave me in constant wonder and surprise by your grace. There are so many times if I were you, I'd say "well, so much for that." But, you never give up. You are working constantly within my core to start the communication refresh the "how do you dos." Thank you.

Father God, I ask for you to humble my heart. I ask for your strength to share my vulerabilities. I ask for your direction to guide those I encounter. I ask for your grace when I falter. I ask for your connection when I'm alone. Most of all, Lord, I ask for You!

I love you to pieces!!
