Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day of "Even Now"

When people attend Easter service, they usually expect to hear the traditional resurrection story. I'm beyond thankful that's not what I heard this year! Our contemporary service pastor allows God to work through him regularly to deliver messages far beyond what is just the "norm." Easter service was no different!

Before you fear resurrection wasn't discussed, let me assure you, it was not only discussed, it was captured as the cornerstone of what this Christian stuff is all about, but looking through the eyes of others. When Lazarus became ill, Jesus waited two days to embark on the two day journey to reach him. Jesus knew this wait was pivotal! Upon his arrival, Mary (who had previously washed Jesus feet with her hair) was dead in discouragement. She saw no point in greeting Jesus...what could He do now? She needed a resurrection of her faith! Martha ran to meet Jesus, but was dead in the delay of His arrival. She believed with four days passed, Lazarus' spirit had departed his body and would not be able to return. She needed resurrection of her faith! Lazarus lay dead (and, as Scott pointed out, likely quite stinky) and buried. He needed, well, resurrection of his life! Jesus demonstrated even now, when hope is lost, too much time has passed, and Lazarus is gone, He can resurrect! 

Remember, even now when you feel all is lost in your family, your marriage, your health, your employment, trust in Jesus' resurrection. Even now, He can guide the way!

Day 94: Heavenly Father, thank you for continuing to work in your humble servant to deliver the messages needed, despite what may be wanted! Thank you for your constant presence regardless of death in spirit and hope.

Lord, I plead for you to reveal yourself to someone struggling tonight. She desperately needs to see even now when her world seems to be crumbling around her, You have a plan for her life far beyond what human setbacks she may face. Father, I ask for your comforting arms to embrace her, encourage her, and reveal to her what seems like a step back may actually be a pivotal leap forward in her fulfillment of your expectations for her life. Watch over her, Lord! 

Father God, I trust in your compassion, love, and wisdom. But, for many, it is so difficult not knowing your plans. It seems when we face battles, we can hardly see how they are for our benefit. I know you aren't guiding our lives as a puppet master, but I think for those who struggle to trust in the big reveal even if they can't see it can be discouraged easily and could lose sight of you. I pray you work within me and use me to help reveal to others what I see without seeing. I trust in you even now when I may not see you.

I love you.

Source: http://gotleeks.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/living-into-the-yes/

Day of Stuff

Running late for work. Kids not getting along. Spilled soup on your shirt. Allergies acting up. Have any of these (or your own examples) gotten you bent out of shape? Have you overreacted in the moment only to realize it's just minor stuff? We all face similar stuff, but in the whole scheme of things, they're pretty harmless aren't they?

In our little day-to-day worlds, I think we fail to look at this stuff as opportunities to bring us closer to God. Running late can certainly be frustrating, but be thankful you weren't the person in the fender bender causing the back up. Instead, pray everyone came out of the accident unharmed. 

The kids aren't getting along, but at least they have siblings with whom to bicker. Be thankful your children are building sibling bonds most worldly negativity cannot penetrate. They will be the first to stand up and defend one another against an onslaught of life's burdens.

Spilled soup on your shirt. A stain stinks, but you are fortunate to not suffer from a lack of basic necessities such as food and clothing. Consider this a reminder not everyone is as fortunate as you and could use a loving hand up.

Allergies acting up causing faucet nose and endless cough should remind you seasonal irritation is just temporary. Be thankful, for the most part, you're in good health. Pray for a friend, loved one, coworker, or stranger who may not have it as good as you. Consider cooking them a meal, sending them a card, or simply sharing a smile.

Our stuff which gets us bent out of shape could be just what we need to bend us closer toward God.

Day 93: Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding me how sweet life is. Thank you for bringing me closer to you and reminding me how fortunate I am even when facing temporary setbacks.

Lord, my patience wanes when faced with what in hindsight seem like petty bumps in the road. I get caught up in the "how is this affecting me negatively," I fail to recognize the benefits of stuff. It can teach me to slow down, to appreciate all the positives, and to lean on you in all things. Thank you for letting me experience all the ups and downs which should all lead me to a closer relationship with you.

Father God, I want to use my own experiences of poor response to teach others how not to behave. However, it seems there are some people who remain in a perpetual state of frustration over what I would consider minor issues. Please place in me wisdom and compassion for those who I may otherwise lose patience because they may feel the same way about me. Please work in my words and my actions to demonstrate that even facing our stuff, we can be close to you and help lead others closer to you.

I love you.

Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/108086459777452501/

Day of Seeing

Do you allow others to experience God through you? Do you take to Facebook and Twitter (or any other social media outlet) to complain, vent, or disparage? Everyone experiences frustration, anger, and irritation (I just did last evening as a matter of fact), but consider how you express these things publicly.

Sometimes, an interaction with you is the only opportunity for someone to experience God's love. An interaction may mean a direct conversation with someone or indirect through witness of your behavior (and public posts sharing your feelings about something). The next time you think about taking to a public forum to express your angst, consider taking it to God instead. The next time a situation has you seething and grumpy, consider showing an act of kindness toward someone else. Showing God's love outwardly even when someone else may not be showing the same love toward you provides a little glimpse of what Jesus experienced for us. If He could do it for us, I think we should do it for Him.

Day 92: Heavenly Father, thank you for providing me strength to bite my tongue. Thank you for your forgiveness when I respond to situations poorly and without your love at the forefront.  

Lord, it seems we have made it accepting in our culture to speak with forked tongues. You taught us not to rush to anger, "Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools." (Ecclesiastes 7:9) I fear we rush to swiftly to the instant communication mediums to share with anyone who will listen and tell us what we want to hear rather than rushing to you to tell us what we need to hear. I fear we've become a society unable to face the possibility it could be us who need to change and not others. You may tell us to change ourselves, while others are rarely so bold, even if it's what we need. I miss the days pre-Internet. However, in the very next verse, you teach us not to reflect on the old days, "Do not say, 'Why were the old days better than these?' For it is not wise to ask such questions."(Ecclesiastes 7:10) Why is it unwise to desire a time of more face-to-face communication and real relationships? Are we to learn to deal with what is in front of us and not what we left behind? I ask for your wisdom in this area to move my attention away from missing the past and focusing on the future.

Father God, I ask for your direct involvement with one person who may need your hit between the eyes revelation to show your love versus expressing his or her angst. If it is your will, could you reveal to him or her a kindness from one of your children which could fundamentally transform his or her view of the day. I pray this act of love, whatever it is, could be the pivotal point of change for the person with whom you've intervened.

I love you.

Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/198158452328646735/

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day of Praying

I want to share with you two examples of how the power of prayer can reap life changing blessings! One may be considered trivial, but I hope it provides a small glimpse of how listening can benefit a relationship. The other may be one of the greatest examples of how circling needs and wants in prayer can deliver miraculous intervention by God!

The first relates to a birthday present for my daughter (in my opinion, helping to create lasting memories for your children can have fundamental impacts on their lives). My daughter told me last year she looks forward to my presents because they are meaningful to her (I think she said something like she doesn't even know she wants them until she received them...yikes, pretty tall order!) As such, each year can sometimes be a little difficult coming up with something more unique than say a shirt or something. With my daughter returning from a mission trip to Macedonia where she was sharing the message of Jesus Christ, I wanted to think of something to help encourage her on her faith journey. I "stalked" tons of Christian artists and a few athletes to share in a birthday memory for her. Basically, I didn't want anything of monetary value given to her, but rather a shout out in the form of phone call, text, or tweet wishing her a happy 15th and an encouraging word to motivate her. With no response, I became discouraged and concerned I would not be able to live up to her expectation of "knowing her well enough." I prayed! I asked for God's help if not to lay on the hearts of a few to respond, then to lay on my heart a replacement idea. At the closing of my brother's memorial service, God answered! I received an email from the Sidewalk Prophets asking for my daughter's contact information! Incredible!! David Fray, lead singer of the group, not only called her and left a wonderful message wishing her a happy birthday and encouraging her to live in Christ, but also he sang to her. Incredible!! Total bonus, Jamie Grace tweeted Happy Birthday to my daughter and the sweetest young artist on the planet, Gracie Schram, texted a message and picture wishing her a great birthday! This is an example of relying on God, going to Him in prayer, and trusting in His plan!

The second example relates to a friend who has struggled in her relationship with her mother. We connect on so many levels, sometimes we find it uncanny...totally God's guiding hand!! I've been praying for her and mentioned her situation in past prayers. She faced a tough childhood and has been estranged from her mother for years. Not having been as close to my own mother as I would've liked in my earlier years, I can relate to the loss and hurt she feels. But, the beautiful relationship with my mother now is a testament to God's healing power when you trust in Him, His healing, and His timing. It's scary to open yourself and potentially be vulnerable to hurt again. What I've advised my friend is if you trust God and His protection, nothing is too great for His healing, even a lifetime of estrangement and bitterness from childhood pains. I learned last week (I cried and was completely overwhelmed with God bumps), my friend plans to spend Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. She hasn't seen them in years, but is willing to let go of control and trust God to guide her. What a miraculous transformation and opportunity for all involved!! Praise God!!

Day 91: Heavenly Father, thank you for listening when I call out to you! Thank you for answering my prayers no matter how trivial they may seem. Thank you for your timing to work in relationships and build up what we can never do on our own.

Lord, I am indebted to you. All I want to do is praise you for all you do for me and every situation for which I reach out to you for intervention! I cannot help others without you! I am ashamed for claiming to "be the one" who has helped others when it is and has always been you. Thank you! My words are your words; my actions are your actions. Forgive me for any moment I have claimed victory in successes based on my words or efforts. You provide the wisdom to help others; you provide the strength and encouragement to support others. I am merely your humble servant. Thank you for working through me!

Father God, you know what is in our hearts. I used to believe this was good enough. But, I've learned you want us to prayerfully proclaim what we need to demonstrate our trust in you to answer our prayers. If we cannot proclaim verbally to you, then we must not believe wholeheartedly you can fulfill what we are seeking from you. I ask for you to keep working in me to reach to you openly and loudly!!

I love you.

Gracie Schram

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day of Deserving

I've been debating with myself (as long as I don't answer, I'm okay, right?) on this topic for a couple of weeks now. Often, I indicate in my prayers with God how undeserving I am for His grace, but thankful He gives it to me anyway. But, I've been pondering whether or not I should say I am undeserving. God created me. He knew me before my mother knew me. He knew I would be riddled with sin before I even made my first mistake. He gave me life and loves me. Despite all my imperfections (and there are MANY), He said I was worth it to Him. So, should I say I am undeserving if God himself said "Child, I love you anyway?" Or, should I say I am deserving and thankful for His love despite the many ways I fall short.

Let's take the topic down from His upper story for a moment and consider your relationship with your children (for those who do not have children, think about your relationship with your parents or those to whom you lean for parental guidance and love). Would you want to hear from your children that they think they are undeserving of the countless times you've continued loving them even when they make mistakes? Would you want your children to feel they are undeserving of your love? Would you want your children to know they deserve your unconditional love because they are your children? This doesn't mean they should not be thankful, should not try to follow the rules, and should not take you for granted. It means they are deserving of your love and you grant them grace when they make mistakes. Sound familiar? 

Day 89: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me this awesome chance at a life close to you. Thank you for providing me free will to come to you to fill the empty void versus making me a God robot.

Lord, how should we receive your love? You know I love you and am thankful for your grace. Should my thanksgiving be in joyous celebration because you believed I was worth everything, even the loss of your Son? Or, should my thanksgiving be in relief that despite my many flaws, you grant me grace. It seems to me the first parallels more closely with the human parent-child relationship. Does it matter? Perhaps, for some to remain humble to your grace and love, they must consider themselves undeserving for fear pride and arrogance would make an appearance in the relationship if they viewed themselves deserving of your love. Perhaps to others, such as myself, knowing you view me as deserving helps me extend your love to others, even those who may not "deserve" it from a worldly perspective.

Father God, how extraordinary it is to ponder the dynamics of our relationship by way of prayer. I am thankful for this venue to share my thoughts with you and await your wisdom in all facets of my life. Thank you for providing an open and honest relationship with you. Thank you for allowing me to ask questions without fear of ridicule. Thank you for always revealing your answers in your time, as it is always the right time.

I love you.

Source: http://doseofencouragement.wordpress.com/2011/12/18/love-love-and-more-love/

Day of Stumbles

Everyone stumbles, makes mistakes, even sins. I know, Christians sin??? Shocking...NOT! In fact, if we cannot admit this about ourselves, yet we judge others for their stumbles, no wonder Christians often are labeled hypocrits. Over the last five weeks, I've had the opportunity to host a community group centered on The Great Commission...making disciples. I was nervous because frankly I've made so many mistakes in my life, I feared answering questions with wisdom that would promote others' desires to become and make disciples. What I learned, however, is one of the best ways to teach is through your own life experiences, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly (sorry, Clint Eastwood). If you want to connect with people and not come across as elitist and judgmental, don't be scared to share your mistakes, your stumbles, your missteps, and even your vulnerabilities causing you to sin. As a church, we are required to lift, support, and bear the burdens of our fellow believers.

Here's the thing, sin is in our DNA. Adam and Eve's original sin partaking of the apple fundamentally transformed human DNA. Think about it, even when God attempted to cleanse the Earth by way of the great flood saving only Noah and his family, sin still resonated and displayed itself countless times (as an aside, I won't say whether or not you should see the Noah movie, but I would strongly encourage you to read the biblical depiction of the great flood in order to know the truth and not fall victim to fictional characterization). HOWEVER, even though sin is ingrained in us, this doesn't mean we are not accountable for ourselves and our choices. Being mindful of our susceptibility to sin should cause us to approach situations differently. It should cause us to understand the dangers in the choices we make. It should remind us we are not immune to the immoralities of this world and as such need to work harder to avoid succumbing to such temptations.

All that being said, God loves us regardless and grants grace. Is that not incredible?!?! For as far as we've steered away from God, He has always been present, is present, and will always be present in our lives. Reach out to Him when you stumble! Ask Him for forgiveness vocalizing an acknowledgement of knowing right from wrong in God's eyes. Ask Him for strength and wisdom to learn from your mistakes. Praise Him for loving you anyway.

Day 88: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me anyway. Thank you for knowing I would struggle, I would falter, and I would need you. Thank you for always being present and patiently waiting for me to realize it.

God, I feel like we spend too much time hiding our faults. We deceive ourselves and others by way of deflecting attention from our own sins and call attention to others. You taught us to be a community of believers for the ups and the downs with our relationships centered on you. But, particularly during the downs, it seems these are the times when we separate and seclude ourselves from one another. Sometimes, we do this out of fear of judgement. Loving constructive criticism is essential to building relationships! If the church isn't loving and supportive to help members, but instead criticizing to turn attention away from their own misdeeds, no wonder many separate themselves. I pray we can chuck our pride, fears, and shame at the door of our relationships and trust you to lead us to healthy, supportive fellowship.

Father God, I want to be in fellowship with my church family. I want to trust those with whom I worship, study, and develop friendships. I desire the sense the fellowship found in Amish communities, where I trust the collective has my best interest at heart and they trust I have the same feelings for them. I want to help lift others through your loving encouragement and celebrate their joys of celebration. I pray through the vision and leadership of Pastor Scott, we may become a congregation similar to The Early Church. Thank you for leading and instilling this desire within me.

I love you.

Source: http://www.thankfulme.net/2014/03/april-2014-visiting-teaching-handout.html?m=1

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day of Thanks

This prayer needs no introduction...give thanks! Be thankful for all God provides, during the ups and the downs, during the joys and sorrows. Don't just thank God for your food, but throughout your day, take a moment to show God your gratitude!

Day 87: Heavenly Father, I thank you!

You prepared a way for me to live Heaven on earth...I thank you.

You provide me strength when I am weak...I thank you. 

You lift my spirits in times of sorrow...I thank you. 

You comfort my pains with warmth and compassion...I thank you. 

You reveal the positive hidden in a mound of negative...I thank you. 

You love me despite my faults and sinfulness...I thank you.

Your bless me when I am selfless...I thank you.

You gave me a piece of your heart...I thank you.

You gave your Son so that I might live...I thank you.

You empower me with your Spirit...I thank you.

You entrust me to disciple to the lost...I thank you.

You surround me with love...I thank you.

Father God, with all I have and with all I am, I am indebted to you. I thank you and pray I live up to your expectations for my life.

I love you.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day of Testimony

What is your testimony? Everyone has one. It's your life story that has brought you to where you are in your faith journey. Sometimes, it's painful childhood experiences from which God has provided rescue and comfort. Other times, it's the void God has filled in a life consumed with emptiness. Whatever your testimony, if you are able to share it with others (as painful or embarrassing as it may be), lives could be transformed!

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to hear my daughter share her testimony. I already knew the intimate details, but to hear my daughter share openly and not focus on the circumstances, but the strength, comfort, and love God provided during the extremely difficult time is inspiring. Many who have suffered similarly to my daughter (the details are not important) fall victim to hurt, anger, and shame. But, rather than remain stuck in a see of despair, she cried out to God to lift and heal her. Her trust in God provides the strength necessary to not let negativity define you, but to let your release to God transform you.

Day 86: Heavenly Father, thank you for drawing my daughter to you in her time of despair. Thank you for using her as a testament to your miraculous healing power. 

Lord, my daughter's testimony has been the catalyst needed to start some discussions with kids experiencing similar circumstances. I'm so thankful for your healing power. I pray those kids who may begin to break through the protective shield of silence will lean on you for strength and comfort. Draw them out of despair, Lord, and reveal to them your presence and support. It's challenging for children who cannot see you to know their pains can still be healed through you. As I have needed, please bombard them with your presence so they may literally feel you holding them close.

Father God, please continue your work in your people who have suffered tragedy. They may blame you. They may deny you. They may condemn you. Lord, they know not what they do. They are blinded by pessimism and disbelief. Reveal yourself to them in a convincing manner for which they know only through you could such a vision be seen. We may not always have the strength to reach you, but you do.

I love you.