Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day of Stuff

Running late for work. Kids not getting along. Spilled soup on your shirt. Allergies acting up. Have any of these (or your own examples) gotten you bent out of shape? Have you overreacted in the moment only to realize it's just minor stuff? We all face similar stuff, but in the whole scheme of things, they're pretty harmless aren't they?

In our little day-to-day worlds, I think we fail to look at this stuff as opportunities to bring us closer to God. Running late can certainly be frustrating, but be thankful you weren't the person in the fender bender causing the back up. Instead, pray everyone came out of the accident unharmed. 

The kids aren't getting along, but at least they have siblings with whom to bicker. Be thankful your children are building sibling bonds most worldly negativity cannot penetrate. They will be the first to stand up and defend one another against an onslaught of life's burdens.

Spilled soup on your shirt. A stain stinks, but you are fortunate to not suffer from a lack of basic necessities such as food and clothing. Consider this a reminder not everyone is as fortunate as you and could use a loving hand up.

Allergies acting up causing faucet nose and endless cough should remind you seasonal irritation is just temporary. Be thankful, for the most part, you're in good health. Pray for a friend, loved one, coworker, or stranger who may not have it as good as you. Consider cooking them a meal, sending them a card, or simply sharing a smile.

Our stuff which gets us bent out of shape could be just what we need to bend us closer toward God.

Day 93: Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding me how sweet life is. Thank you for bringing me closer to you and reminding me how fortunate I am even when facing temporary setbacks.

Lord, my patience wanes when faced with what in hindsight seem like petty bumps in the road. I get caught up in the "how is this affecting me negatively," I fail to recognize the benefits of stuff. It can teach me to slow down, to appreciate all the positives, and to lean on you in all things. Thank you for letting me experience all the ups and downs which should all lead me to a closer relationship with you.

Father God, I want to use my own experiences of poor response to teach others how not to behave. However, it seems there are some people who remain in a perpetual state of frustration over what I would consider minor issues. Please place in me wisdom and compassion for those who I may otherwise lose patience because they may feel the same way about me. Please work in my words and my actions to demonstrate that even facing our stuff, we can be close to you and help lead others closer to you.

I love you.

Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/108086459777452501/

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