Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day of "Even Now"

When people attend Easter service, they usually expect to hear the traditional resurrection story. I'm beyond thankful that's not what I heard this year! Our contemporary service pastor allows God to work through him regularly to deliver messages far beyond what is just the "norm." Easter service was no different!

Before you fear resurrection wasn't discussed, let me assure you, it was not only discussed, it was captured as the cornerstone of what this Christian stuff is all about, but looking through the eyes of others. When Lazarus became ill, Jesus waited two days to embark on the two day journey to reach him. Jesus knew this wait was pivotal! Upon his arrival, Mary (who had previously washed Jesus feet with her hair) was dead in discouragement. She saw no point in greeting Jesus...what could He do now? She needed a resurrection of her faith! Martha ran to meet Jesus, but was dead in the delay of His arrival. She believed with four days passed, Lazarus' spirit had departed his body and would not be able to return. She needed resurrection of her faith! Lazarus lay dead (and, as Scott pointed out, likely quite stinky) and buried. He needed, well, resurrection of his life! Jesus demonstrated even now, when hope is lost, too much time has passed, and Lazarus is gone, He can resurrect! 

Remember, even now when you feel all is lost in your family, your marriage, your health, your employment, trust in Jesus' resurrection. Even now, He can guide the way!

Day 94: Heavenly Father, thank you for continuing to work in your humble servant to deliver the messages needed, despite what may be wanted! Thank you for your constant presence regardless of death in spirit and hope.

Lord, I plead for you to reveal yourself to someone struggling tonight. She desperately needs to see even now when her world seems to be crumbling around her, You have a plan for her life far beyond what human setbacks she may face. Father, I ask for your comforting arms to embrace her, encourage her, and reveal to her what seems like a step back may actually be a pivotal leap forward in her fulfillment of your expectations for her life. Watch over her, Lord! 

Father God, I trust in your compassion, love, and wisdom. But, for many, it is so difficult not knowing your plans. It seems when we face battles, we can hardly see how they are for our benefit. I know you aren't guiding our lives as a puppet master, but I think for those who struggle to trust in the big reveal even if they can't see it can be discouraged easily and could lose sight of you. I pray you work within me and use me to help reveal to others what I see without seeing. I trust in you even now when I may not see you.

I love you.

Source: http://gotleeks.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/living-into-the-yes/

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