Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day of Confidence

Okay, I will be the first to admit, I struggle some with compliments. My issue lies with wanting to remain humble. But, what about all the lovely people I know? Do they not see what I see? There are some who are beyond gorgeous, yet surprised when I say so. There are some who are gifted with relaying information, yet sometimes question their purpose. There are some who have questioned their "friend"ness, but I find to be wonderful, loving friends. I wish I could convince them how much I treasure them and our relationships.

Day 25 - Heavenly Father, thank you for creating me, loving me, and guiding me. I know it is through your guidance and love that I feel drawn to lifting up those who feel disheartened. I think we all want to feel confident about ourselves, but maybe have concerns about where the line is drawn between confidence and arrogance. Ultimately, Lord, it is through you all these gifts have been given. If we credit the right source, is that the appropriate line?

Father, I ask for your uplifting Spirit to fall upon my loved ones who feel unloved or undervalued. Please fill them with a confidence to know they are beautiful in your eyes, loved always by you, and can survive anything in this life with you at the helm.

Lord, thank you for your confidence in me to be your disciple. May I be able to help lead people to Christ with an honest, open communication about your work in my life. Please open my loved ones' eyes so they may see all that I see in's quite a breathtaking view!

I love you.

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