Friday, January 24, 2014

Day of Zip It

How often have you spoken out of turn? Been there! What about speaking before thinking? Raising my hand! Have you ever lashed out in anger before knowing all the facts? Guilty!

What I've learned in all these situations is despite what might feel temporarily satisfying, the long-term effects can be harmful. For example, when I was in kindergarten (no really, keep reading!), Miss Kelly yelled for a classmate to get in line. I chimed in, "maybe he doesn't know where we're going." The teacher scoffed replying, "of course he knows where we're going" (with maybe a hint of duh to my sensitive ears). Clearly, the memory of me speaking out of turn has had quite an impact.

Sometimes, as parents we may say things to our children out of sheer frustration which we quickly regret. I don't think we intend to display anything but love and care for our children, but sometimes even a parent's patience can wear thin.

Anger is a crazy emotion! It seems it jumbles our thought processes, widens the synapses, and before you know it, we're shouting before we've actually received all the facts.

Have you ever directed these hasty comments toward God? It's embarrassing to admit, but I have. In moments of utter loss and despair, I have found myself playing the blame game with God. The funny thing is, He takes it (a far cry from any human interaction I've had when words fly before my brain can stop them)! Talk about turning the other cheek! We can be downright awful toward Him and He still loves us. Wow!

Day 24: Heavenly Father, thank you for your unconditional love when I forget to zip it. I am so sorry for any pain my words or distance have caused you. Thank you for pulling me back in and loving me any way. I need those hit me between the eyes reminders to get out of your way because you got this!!

Lord, you know I have my good days and bad days with letting words fly. Sometimes, I can remain tight-lipped even when feeling under attack for trying to be protective and looking beyond an immediate circumstance, but other times I fail to walk away when venting about a situation with a coworker. Why? Please help me stop rationalizing a temporary vent session is fine and dandy when in reality it only causes me guilt. Can you make the guilt rear its ugly head sooner? 

Father, I ask you to forgive me for any harm I've done to others by being too quick tongued. I certainly believe in miracles, can you seal my lips before I cause harm to others? I pray that to you  physically and figuratively. Teach me, Jesus, through your many interactions with the Pharasees to be purposeful and measured in my response to situations which may feel antagonistic.

Lord, thank you for making me sensitive and in tune with my emotions. Please help me use these characteristics in ways to promote positive dialogue versus defensive posturing. But, I am a flawed human. Please forgive me.

Thank you for reminding me even when I may need to hold my tongue among humans, I can always talk to you. The comfort of knowing I'm not alone and always in conversation with you, Father God, helps me want to zip it and let you take control.

I love you.

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