Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day of Masks

Pain stinks...period. I can't sugarcoat it. Whether physical, mental, or spiritual pain, it can cause you a world of hurt. Unfortunately, the only way to overcome pain is to face it; anything else is just masking the pain and prolonging its hold on you!

Today, I woke up perplexed by the previous night's lack of words to express my prayers to God. I was silent. Thankfully, I was silent. I was ready to observe. I was ready to listen. As I dropped off my daughter at school, I spoke to the before/after school care supervisor. He looked a little worse for wear; but, it was early, so I assumed he was tired.

In our brief exchange of pleasantries, it dawned on me he was more than just tired. Out of concern, I asked if he was feeling okay. What I learned next hits home with me on many levels. He was overcoming the pains of having his stomach pumped three times resulting from alcohol poisoning. This guy is in his 20s, the stereotypical party age! He must've consumed an excessive amount of alcohol to suffer so much! 

Knowing we'd both served in the military and he'd been injured in combat, I started connecting the dots. I asked if he suffered PTSD. Sadly, he does and meets with VA counselors periodically. Unfortunately, like so many people, the pains were too great from combat, he used alcohol to mask them. After being injured, he drank heavily, quit cold turkey, and when the memories consumed him again, he masked them with alcohol again.

Masks keep us spiraling out of control. We need more and more masks to keep our pains at bay. The more we retreat behind the masks, the deeper we fall. 

Pain stinks...period. It's hard to face it. But, with God as your counselor, you can face the greatest pains the human race has ever suffered. Give it to God and let your healing begin!

Day 57: Heavenly Father, thank you for providing me the opportunity to speak with this young man today. Thank you for providing the words to speak compassionately, yet directly. Thank you for helping me use the tragic loss of my brother as a connecting point to support this young man.

Father God, too many people for whom I care use masks to cope rather than face pains. I want to scream from a mountain "you're not alone!! God, loves you and wants you to let Him help you!" Lord, I want to plead exhaustively! It hurts to know people can't lift their pains to you and instead rely on their own destructive, coping mechanisms. How can I help?!?

Lord in Heaven, I plead for your direct presence in the life of this young man. He's lost. He hurts. He's confused. He's suffering. Perhaps, this wake up call was indeed your intercession in his life. I pray he will recognize his pain can be healed by facing it with you by his side.

Please use me Lord to help this young man in any capacity for which you deem my involvement can be helpful.

I love you.


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