Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day of Attitude

"Don't make me snap my fingers in a z formation!" At least, that's what I wish I was yelling at the cat this morning. We were making fantastic time for school drop offs. With my "must only make one trip to load the car" attitude, the cat sneaked in the house as I was juggling my stuff while trying to close the door. Needless to say, I was swearing like a sailor!! I rarely swear, so for me not to be able to refrain from using empty curse words spoke volumes to my bad attitude. I hunted down the feline all the while swearing and lecturing him about his selfishness. Yes, I do realize he's a cat.

After I finally made it to the car, I realized there was only one minute to make it to school on time. Yea, strangely, I thought miraculously I could beat the clock, obviously failing miserably! If I haven't already painted the proper picture, my attitude was completely irrational. 

Then, all things changed! I stopped to get my morning IV I'm still steaming with frustration. As I'm randomly staring at others waiting on my order, I noticed a mom who appeared to have a less than one-year-old (she had a baby carrier in the back seat of her car loaded in reverse, you know infant style.) I felt sorry for the mom. She looked tired and worn (babies can sure do that to you). It was in this moment, I recognized a shift in my demeanor. I was no longer dwelling on my petty problems with the cat and delays. I paid for her coffee to help lift spirits a bit as she had mine and enjoyed the rest of the day with a fresh attitude!

What a fantastic reminder to love others even when we're stuck in a bad attitude moment! God teaches us that if you love one another and look past yourself, you can become part of His divine plan! What an honor to be able to be a part of glorifying God's kingdom!

Day 50: Heavenly Father, thank you for working through me today! I ask for your forgiveness when I allowed my silly problems to get in the way of your glory. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of a moment which may have transformed someone's day as you transformed mine.

God, as I continue exploring the spiritual gifts you have granted me to help do your will, I pray I will be ready and willing, whatever the call may be. I have fear I could not put it all on the line for you. You know in my heart I struggle with the idea "what if God called you to an Abraham/Isaac situation?" I proclaim I love you unconditionally, but would I if my beautiful daughters were at stake? You are a loving God and I don't literally stew in anxiety worrying about whether or not I will be called to sacrifice my children, but I do ponder whether I'm strong enough and have the right attitude to fulfill your plans for me.

Father God, could I make a request? I pray when you are ready to use me and I have doubt or question you, will you get out the crayons and speak to me like I'm five? I don't want to miss a chance to be a part of your great works because I'm wrapped up in my attitude and feelyou're  overreaching when you chose me! 

I trust in you and am your servant even when I am fearful. You won't have to drag me along; Lord, I am "coming after" you!

I love you.

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