Monday, February 24, 2014

Day of Digging Deep

Have you ever gotten to a place where you're just done? You're spent...exhausted...have nothing else in you! I'm pretty sure that's where my daughter started out yesterday morning before her last wrestling tournament of the season. She was exhausted physically, drained mentally, and overwhelmed emotionally.

However, as always, my daughter dug deep within to gain the necessary drive and determination to wrestle the best she ever has in all three years of wrestling. I don't know why I was surprised, this girl is resilient!! With only one other competitor in her weight class, my daughter dug deep to wrestle against an additional four girls who were 10 pounds heavier! She dug deep within to find an inner strength most of us would beg to have! My athlete dug deep to prove there's no point in showing up if you're not going to give it your all!

This digging deep and giving all is what I dream of Christians! With so much secular influence, we become exhausted fighting a battle that may seem winless. Yet, I hope followers of Christ can be like my daughter and dig deep within giving everything they have to fight for the souls of our fellow men!

Day 54: Heavenly Father, thank you for speaking through my daughter's actions to demonstrate a determination Christians should emulate. Thank you for allowing me the honor of raising her! 

God, it can be draining and disheartening living in a world so blinded by sin. Yet, I still view this world you've gifted us as beautiful! Every day, Lord, I witness your work in people, sometimes even without their knowing or accepting. I don't want to be a cynic of this world just begging for your return. Father, I want to cherish this beautiful life with which you've blessed me and dig deep to not give up hope. 

Father God, I'm not naive or too optimistic; I just trust in you. You could've  set the reset button countless times. It's your game. It's your play. You make the rules. Yet, you are faithful, loving, and trusting of the influence your followers can have in fulfilling your almighty plan. How wonderful living with trust in your great plan and not letting the world of negatives keep me in despair and unable to dig deep for you.

I love you.

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