Monday, February 17, 2014

Day of Pursuit

When you think of things you've pursued with your whole heart, what things come to mind? Some might say a career, a status, a spouse, or a family. How often to you hear someone say Jesus?

I'm reading an eye-opening book right now titled "Not a Fan." It challenges the reader to determine whether or not she is a follower of Jesus or simply a fan. It's a difficult read because I view myself as a follower, but appear to be falling in line with many fans. At first I found this quite disheartening, but soon realized, it's ok. Recognition is the first step to change! 

Sometimes, I think maybe my openness regarding faith and my priorities in life have those who care about me concerned I'm "taking it too far." But, that's just where we differ in opinion (and I love their concern). For me, it's an all or none thing! Either I am fully committed to my relationship with Jesus Christ or I'm not. It's no different than a marriage. You're either all in, fully committed to the one with whom you've shared vows or you're not. Commitment isn't a part way, I'll give 75% of myself contract. It is giving all of you because you expect the same in return. The cool thing about this relationship with Christ, you don't have to worry about whether He was a man of His word!

Day 48: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me before you even knew me. I understand the magnitude of this by loving my girls wholeheartedly before I even knew their names. Thank you for your faithfulness in me even when I appear to be a fan of yours.

Lord, am I on the right path to be called a follower? I know there isn't a checklist, but rather a point in time when I won't feel like I need to ask. I want to be like your disciples, dropping EVERYTHING when you said "follow me." Lately, I feel this transition within me desiring more...more knowledge, more prayer, more involvement, more commitment, more goose bumps. Perhaps, this is my "follow me" moment?

Father God, please provide me the clarity to pursue you through all the distractions. Please provide me the drive to remain when the aha! moments aren't constant. Please provide me the commitment to your teachings when there's an easier way out. I am in pursuit of you, your Son, and your Spirit. Just call me the Trinity Stalker!

I love you.


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