Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day of Love

Haha! Before we get all "what does she mean?" on me, let me clarify, this prayer is after witnessing something wonderful today at the gym.

When you were younger, did you envision yourself meeting someone, falling in love, and spending the rest of your days together? Well, at least many of us girls had these dreams!! Unfortunately, nearly half of marriages end in divorce; but, on the flip side, that means half of all marriages are going strong! This brings great joy to my heart to know for some, their vows were more than just words. 

Today, as I was doing my own little triathlon (in all the wrong order because my swimsuit was frozen and had to thaw...I'm a dork), I witnessed something extraordinarily beautiful. An older couple was walking hand-in-hand on the indoor track. They were even wearing the same shade of shirts and pants. How wonderful!! After all their years together, still holding hands!!!

Upon my second divorce, I was adamant I would never put myself in a similar situation again. In my pain, I claimed "I'd rather stay at bat, than strike out." But, as the pain diminished and I really started examining God's love, I recognized God doesn't want us to be alone. He designed us to be in relationship with someone. Who knows what great things God has in store for each of us, but I know I'm getting out of His way and just trust Him, even if it's a little scary.

Day 39: Heavenly Father, thank you for creating us out of love. I am filled with an abundance of joy knowing love was your motivation for me, my family, my friends, my church, all your people. Thank you for demonstrating the amazing benefits sharing love for others can bring. 

Lord, your Son's unfettered love for the broken should be a testament that everyone deserves to be loved. Can you reach down and comfort the estranged? Can you massage the hearts of those hurting and remind them of your presence and support? Please heal their brokenhearts and rescue them from their loneliness. Father, please lead us to a place to know love does still exist for each of us.

Father God, there is too much pain and suffering in this world binding people from experiencing the love you expect us to share. How do we overcome these burdens? I pray anyone who shared my sentiment about future relationships learns how reactionary that stance is and not your expectation of us. Thank you for loving me at my highest, lowest, and all points in between. I feel your wrapped arms around my heart and know you protect your children even when we may feel we're alone.

I love you.

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