Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day of Relationship

I feel like I'm on the verge of an epiphany. I'm not quite there yet, but as I've tried to embrace what God's true expectation is of me, I'm getting this sense (thank you Holy Spirit, my counselor) I'm close to opening a door which could fundamentally transform my relationship with God and, subsequently, all my relationships.

Several sermons ago, Scott explained God's two greatest commandments: 

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40, NIV)

Of course, I've read this scripture countless times, but I'm not sure I heard it. God makes it pretty clear He wants to "do life with us!" He wants to be in relationship with us! I'd say He values relationship quite a bit, eh? 

So, here I am in life trying to follow some rules thinking somehow it will trigger this ethereal connection with God. The reality, I've been so focused on the rules, I've likely missed countless relationships in which I could feel a greater connection to God and His expectation for my life. I'm not saying, I'm gonna go hog wild sinnin' left and right as long as I am doing it in relation with others (wait, what?? 😳). What I'm saying is I'm going to use my relationships to help one another feel a genuine, loving connection with our Heavenly Father.

Day 35: Heavenly Father, thank you for this aha moment! Is this what you have been seeking all along? Have I had my priorities out of whack? Please forgive me for my blinders and countless missed opportunities.

It seems too simple, God! You are all powerful, full of wisdom, and creativity! Why don't you require us to follow some complicated schematic to fulfill your plan? Why do we complicate things? Are we products of our childhoods learning right from wrong, dos and don'ts, and we just follow this paradigm into adulthood? No wonder so many are lost!

But, Father God, you have provided us the lessons, guidance, and play-by-play all along. We've just misinterpreted. I pray I am hearing you clearly and can get out of my own way with all the self imposed restrictions in order to be one with you. My relationship with you, Father, is by far the most important in my life because everything benefits positively!

I love you.

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