Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day of Tears

Don't worry, this should be positive :-)

Tears! What a fantastic physical release for a variety of emotions! Sadness, happiness, fright, humor, pain, comfort, etc...I think you get the picture. My floodgates open in pretty much any situation where I've been touched emotionally. I used to hate it because I couldn't explain always why I was crying (even claimed I had over productive tear ducts), but now I embrace those tears because I feel like they are confirmation I genuinely do care and take things to heart...even commercials ;-)

Today was no different. I had a conversation with someone in which I revealed some pretty significant hurts in my life. Of course, there were tears from the painful, vivid memories. But, so far beyond that, I was overjoyed (I'm talking like the flutter in the heart, touched beyond measure kind of joy) to be able to share these pains as they were a heavy load. By finally bringing them to light, not only did this release help me, but also it helped this person understand my apprehensiveness about a specific topic. (I am not embarrassed to share details, I just don't think they're necessary.) The point is tears can be a rewarding physical release for anything we're experiencing. It saddens me when people feel embarrassed to cry. Even He wept!!

Day 32: Heavenly Father, thank you for knowing me better than I know myself. Thank you for creating me with a physical release for all the emotions that can build up inside. I am indebted to you for this path of openness you have led me down of late. I am in awe to all the blessings I continue to receive by trusting you. It shouldn't shock me Lord, but I have to admit, it does. It's always been easy for me to tell others to trust you, but I think I've applied that all familiar intel mentality of trust, but verify when it comes to our relationship. I've felt this need to have a safety net just in case. Despite knowing you don't hold this apprehensiveness against me, I do feel ashamed. I am sorry.

Father, why does shame or embarrassment accompany tears? Your very Son wept with compassion for Mary and Martha due to Lazarus' death. He wept again for the lost people of Jerusalem. Why has society labeled tears as a sign of weakness, particularly in men? What words can I use when comforting male friends who may be fearful of embracing tears and blinded to their significant benefit?

Lord in Heaven, forgive me for tears I have caused you for my sinful behavior. Forgive me for hurting you through my behaviors and distancing from you when I seem to think I know better. Please continue bombarding me with your loving messages to help me live with tranquility and positivity. Holy cow, Father God, I'm tearing up now just thinking about the glorious riches I have experienced in this life, I may not have enough tears of joy to shed for the next one!

I love you.


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