Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day of Laughs

How timely God is!! Of course, today has to be the Day of Laughs after being preceded by Day of Tears. I love it!! Who said God didn't have a humorous side?!?  Have you seen a picture of a platypus?? I mean really!!

What a fantastic morning of worship!! God used His wonderful disciple to help improve understanding on the Holy Spirit. During this message, I couldn't stop giggling about something Scott said (paraphrasing): Have you heard people say they've got Jesus in their hearts? That's not Jesus, that's the Spirit. Jesus was a man. If you have a man living in your heart, you need to seek medical attention. No man should be living in your heart. You need a doctor.

Oh my, he got me in stitches and still brought around the point so clearly. That's what I love about humor, you can not only entertain people, but also you can teach them. Christianity isn't about just following a set of rules rigidly. It's how to live Heaven on earth through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, listening to God's counselor of the Holy Spirit and trusting the scripture to help make life on earth easy and fulfilling...all the while, experiencing a joy far beyond your imagination. Holy cow, sounds pretty good to me!! I'm sure if you're enjoying laughs every day, you might just be experiencing this bit of Heaven in your own life!!

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22 NIV)

Day 33: Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to experience joy through chuckles. Sometimes I hear people say being your follower takes the fun out of life. Lord, is it bad for me to want to respond snidely with "oh, yea, have you ever spent time with my family and friends?" 

God, you are the INVENTOR of humor, how can knowing you not be fun? Why do people believe there's this rigidity to a relationship with you? Lord, I'm baffled. So often, I've seen people who do not know you appear sad and discouraged. They lack laughter and joy. You balance out lives, Lord. You know in times of sadness, sometimes the BEST medicine truly is laughter. How can I convince others of this fact?

Father God, my children cheer my heart so regularly! Thank you so much for them. Is this your plan? Do you use children's innocence and lightheartedness to remind us to relax and laugh a little because you've got everything under control? Is that why I feel like just a big kid? My goodness I love to laugh and not get too stressed about "stuff." Can you use my lightheartedness to share your Word in a way to promote some laughs and make the point? It feels like sometimes there's only a narrow window to draw someone into a relationship with you, what better way than through some rolling on the floor laughing our buns off!!!

I love you.

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