Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day of Silence

What a strange day yesterday was for me! With so much to say to God, so much for which I want to express my gratitude, so much for which I want to be forgiven, I was taken aback when I was literally at a loss of words.

My prayerful life has been active and vibrant this year! What happened? Why couldn't I (of all people) not find any words to express? Upon embarking on this journey, I guess I didn't prepare myself for not knowing what to say.

It wasn't until this morning when I realized, my silence was necessary. Sometimes too many words get in the way of hearing and seeing important aspects of life. Muting my voice prepared me to pay attention this morning when it was critical.

Day 56: Heavenly Father, thank you for knowing what is in my heart and mind. Thank you for not always requiring me to be vocal to show I love you. Thank you for silencing my words yesterday, so that I was able to hear you clearly today.

God, prayer can be a difficult practice for someone who grades her dental exam results. It shouldn't be so challenging when there is so much I want to express. When I can't find the words, I feel embarrassed and ashamed! Yet, I know your greater plan far exceeds my pridefulness and if you didn't silence my voice, I might miss opportunities to share and receive love.

Despite the hindsight of my clarity, thank you for knowing me better than I know myself.

I love you.

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