Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day of Communication

Do you think texting and instant messaging improves or inhibits communication? Do you think this technology fosters relationships? I'd love to know your view on this!!

In my humble opinion, these mediums have promoted more miscommunication, unnecessary resentment, and disjointed relationships than have fostered growth. The irony of instant communication is quite laughable!

I totally understand quick messages here and there or those updates not requiring immediate response as perfect candidates for texting. But, so much misunderstanding could be avoided if we'd at the very least pick up the phone or better yet, discuss important topics in person. Body language, inflection, and eye contact are sometimes more important than the words themselves.

Can you imagine if God answered via text? I suppose it might be cool at first knowing you're just a text away from His omnipotence. But, what if He shared with you something difficult? I'd rather stick to feeling Him in my heart than having Him at my fingertips.

Day 45: Heavenly Father, thank you for communicating to me through personal interaction versus technology. Given my use of a blog to share with you my prayers, perhaps you're laughing at me!! But, I know you are hearing my prayers before the words are even typed. Lord, I feel your presence all day as I ponder what I want to relay to you every evening. Thank you for being physically with me through your Spirit!

Father God, communucation is the key to maintaining strong, supportive, loving relationships. How can I improve my communication techniques to help alleviate misunderstanding and hurt? You know I try to avoid being reactionary, Lord; but, I falter! I want to teach my children to consider respectfully the receiver of their words to help them improve their communication. How can I do this if I am still reactionary sometimes? I pray through your teachings I may find the magic answer. I want my children to be empathetic to how someone receives their words despite the intent of their words. When the delivery and receipt don't align, Father, please help me teach my children to be humble in showing compassion to those who may be hurt by misunderstanding. Pride shouldn't have any presence in good communication, especially when someone's feelings are at stake.

Thank you for your eloquent messages delivered through Jesus Christ. His imagery provides the most vivid example of perfect forms of communication.

I love you.

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