Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day of Timeliness

I don't believe God controls what happens to us. So, for example, when a tragedy strikes and people ask why God would let something like that happen, I simply state He doesn't. God's story, His plan for the human race, is on a completely different plane than ours. I firmly believe He comforts our pains, thereby transforming us to rely on Him!

I titled this prayer timeliness because I'm in awe to some significant events which have placed me in the right church at the right time for His purpose! How incredible!! My family decided it was time to seek a new church to continue our spiritual growth. I had an expectation it would likely be the church we planned to visit in the third week. So, we visited the first church, overwhelming to say the least. We visited the second church. Then, the second again...and again...and again. 

I felt God working through the pastors in the second church and connecting His messages directly to my life. While I enjoyed traditional worship, my girls went to junior worship. We finally decided after six months or so, this was the family with whom we wanted to grow. Even though we transferred our memberships making it all official, we were still finding our place within this body.

During family worship, my daughters and I were participating in the contemporary service. Experiencing worship with them sparked this unyielding desire to attend both traditional (for my comfort) and contemporary (for our comfort) services. Was this God's only plan? Oh no! 

We became more involved with Wednesday bible studies and volunteering. This developed new relationships and built a greater foundation in our faith journeys. Was this God's only plan? Oh no! 

We experienced a worship series on Jesus, then a worship series on the Holy Spirit. Something felt different during these sermons. I felt God reaching my inner core and saying "daughter, I need you to hear me." During this time, our pastor began sharing with us a unique blessing God grants to Christians - spiritual gifts. Was this God's plan? I believe so!

I firmly believe God placed paths before me to hear His call to immerse myself fully in His church and He will grant me unique spiritual gifts to work through me for His glorious kingdom! 

That, my friends, is God's timing!!

Day 51: Heavenly Father, thank you for your impeccable timing. It's so easy to become impatient or discouraged when our needs aren't met on our time. But, you remind me through your spirit, my plans and timing are not necessarily your prioritized plans and timing.

God, I pray upon identifying my spiritual gifts, I will recognize them as only received by your grace. I fear I may blur the lines and take credit for your blessings. Thank you for entrusting me to uphold your name and fulfill your plan through these gifts. When I am weary or unsure, Lord, please strengthen my resolve.

Father God, your timing never ceases to amaze me. I trust you and live to serve you. What an honor to lift your name and share your mighty Word for the common good!

I love you.


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