Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day of Goose Bumps

Children's books by R.L. Stine or little bumps on your arms? Have you ever had goose bumps? Okay, right, dumb question...who hasn't! Can you think of what was happening when you felt the little hairs on your arms stand on end? Did you align with the medical explanation these are involuntary physical responses to stimuli causing muscles attached to hair follicles to contract. Makes sense, right? Do you agree?

I have an additional theory. Of course, I've experienced goose bumps when it's cold, so I won't deny there is physical stimuli which can cause a biological response. But, more often, I have experienced these spontaneous muscle contractions when I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. When I listen to a song touching the depths of my soul, I feel the little bumps. When a sermon delivers a message aligned exactly with what I'm experiencing (this happens A LOT), the little suckers pop up. When I've connected emotionally with someone, my hairs stand on end. Watching a touching video, participating in deep discussion, consoling an injured child, counseling a burdened friend, etc. are all instances I have felt God's presence physically through goose bumps. I wish I had them all the time!!!

Day 42: Heavenly Father, thank you for providing a physical response within me to KNOW your Spirit resides in my heart. I know your faithful to me daily, but without your tangible reminders, I fear I may be passive to your presence. Thank you for God bumps!

Lord, why can't we experience them all the time? Is it because the constant presence of goose bumps eventually would be explained away to simply a biological response? Is it better for us to be in a state of wondering to avoid our complacency? How may I convince a non-believer rhrough talking about their goose bumps that something more is going on within them than the obvious? 

My goodness, Father, I want my loved ones to experience the utter joy and peace I have knowing your Heavenly Counselor lives within me!! Please teach me how! I tried to come up with a parallel scientific equation to the presence of the spirit; but alas, it seems so elementary to your greatness. Here it goes (for the nonbeliever): God = Hypothesis; Jesus = Experiment; Holy Spirit = Results proving the original hypothesis true. What so you think God? I know, kinda silly.

Lord in Heaven, thank you for entertaining my questions and revealing the answers in your perfect responses. However, the answers alone aren't enough. Use me, Lord! I am ready if you think I am!

I love you.

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