Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day of Math

Did you learn addition or multiplication first? Addition, of course. Why? I assume because it's easier with lower numbers and adding on fingers...clearly my scientific explanation. Of course, you have to walk before you can run. So, why even learn multiplication? To add exponentially?? Heck, I think my explanations are as good as any.

With multiplication, you can reach higher numbers faster. Think about it. Let's say you wanted to share with 100 people the cool facts about being a follower of Jesus Christ. You spoke to each person individually. After 100 conversations and a hoarse voice, you completed you're journey. What if you shared the facts with 5 people and those 5 people shared with 5 people. You would multiply your recipients in fewer conversations and create a domino effect through just a few directed conversations. Think of the impact multiplying could have in expanding the body of Christ! 

Day 68: Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing the true benefit of reach your people exponentially. Thank you for Pastor Scott's vision to multiply your disciples via our community groups. Thank you for the honor of participating in this heavenly transformation in our community.

Lord, despite my nervousness, the honor to serve you in such a capacity warms my heart immensely. I will make mistakes. I will embarrass myself. (I won't clean my house well enough.) But, I will be transformed. I ask for your wisdom and clarity as we embark on this 5-week journey and beyond. 

Father God, I want to thank you for your relentless presence in my life. Even in the past when I have taken your presence for granted or distanced myself for selfish reasons, you always protected me patiently awaiting my return to you. Thank you for your warm embrace and faithful welcoming! 

I love you.

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