Monday, March 10, 2014

Day of Preparation

Could you be part of the starting lineup if you didn't practice? I suppose you could be, but how would you fair on the team? You may face embarrassment, ridicule, and slander, completely unmotivated to ever try again.

The same can be said for creating disciples. Would spreading God's message using people who enjoyed the light, poetic parts of the Bible, but didn't make the hard choices, have a long-lasting effect? Not likely. An interest may develop initially and possibly explored. But, when the kumbaya aura wore off and people faced decisions like giving up lifestyles of comfort or turning away from self-satisfying sinful behavior, the effect would be short-lived. 

Making disciples requires the disciple maker to prepare himself with not only knowledge, but also recognition of the motivation behind such a transformation. As I've pondered my motivation, I was initially concerned what drives me to participate in one of our community groups. I'm nervous because I have limited biblical knowledge compared to so many. I won't have all the answers and may not know where to find the answers. I've led youth group topical discussions, but not a discussion with my peers. But, then it dawned on me...showing God's love.

Unbeknownst to me, God's been preparing me for this opportunity. My commitment to this little blog has transformed my conversation with our Father and along the way helped provide encouraging words to others. My efforts to lessen my angst (lessen, the key, I'm not a saint) toward a coworker who disparaged me instead of motivating me have reaped rewards in my interaction with her. My directness, although for some may be too abrasive, has rebirthed a relationship I never thought would exist and lifted heavy, painful memories from my psyche. All of these changes have had a common theme, wanting others to experience God's love through me. I can't think of a better reason to embrace becoming a disciple maker!

Day 69: Heavenly Father, thank you for trusting me with such an honor to serve you! I am humbled by your confidence in my participation in a community group of followers. Thank you for the leadership within our church to recognize the bold approach we must take to be your true followers and obedient to your direction.

Jesus, it seems the disciples were not apprehensive when you asked them to follow you (okay, maybe Thomas had a little doubt). Is this true? Did they hesitate? Did they say "let me think about it?" Did they even bat an eye? My elementary understanding is they simply dropped everything and followed. How is this possible? What about their families? Their jobs? Their income? Loved ones relied on them. How were they able to just "about face" in a new direction? 

Lord, I pray I am as committed. I fear I could not turn away from my children. I trust you and say you are the center of my everything, but then I place qualifiers to that statement because of my children. I know you are a protective, loving God and would never command something of me at the detriment of my children. But, I still cannot shake the worry. Please forgive, be patient with me, and continue working w/in me to a full, all-in acceptance of your expectation of my commitment.

I love you.


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