Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day of Bonding

The last couple of weekends has been filled with lots of bonding with my girls!! Last weekend was full of wrestling, supporting my daughter's teammates and cheering her on during the girls state  tournament!

This weekend, my girls and I jammed to Jamie Grace, Third Day, and Skillet along with Christians from all over Indiana. I can't think of a better first concert for my youngest. We enjoyed a reprieve between winter storms and squeezed in a some practice time on the bicycle and a swing date. When the temps started dropping, we howled with laughter watching "Everything is awesome!" Ending the weekend, we shared in fellowship while listening to a sermon applicable to anyone with friends (I hope that applies to all of you!) Quality time is extremely important!

Spending time together either doing activities or just hanging out promotes strength in relationships (no duh, Jasmine!) For some reason, however, even though we know this isn't rocket science, we overwhelm ourselves with other stuff we think is important. The reality is, in my humble opinion, strengthening relationships is far more important than having an empty sink or windows so clear birds don't see them (poor Windex birds), completing another workout at the gym, or responding to a few more work emails. 

We have 24 hours a day, but I don't think God's great plan includes consuming the majority of those hours cleaning, incessantly, exercising obsessively, or working exhaustively. If that were true, Jesus would have taught the greatest commandment is love God with all your might and the second is vacuum your floors religiously, burn calories exponentially, and work overtime obediently.

Day 60: Heavenly Father, thank you for providing me clarity in identifying priorities. Thank you for being the center of my life and funneling your positivity into my family. Thank you for the continued growth in the relationships with my children and the foundation for lasting friendships between us.

Lord, I wish I could help others experience the joy I have setting aside other activities when rainbow loom bracelets are requested! Housework is always present, yet we constantly tackle it as if we believe once it's complete, then we'll have time for fostering relationships. We tell ourselves once we look a little better physically, then we'll make time for our loved ones. We convince ourselves achieving certain statuses professionally helps relationships personally. 

God, how can I convince others even when their efforts are admirable (like working extra hours to pay bills or losing weight to be healthier), their lack of time bonding in relationships can have far greater detrimental impact than financial or physical. Or, Father, is it me who needs better understanding?

Father God, sometimes I struggle with seeing the gray when your direction seems so black and white. Please forgive me if my lack of understanding doesn't respect the struggles of others. I want to uphold your two greatest commandments by bringing people closer to you and help strengthen people's relationships!

I love you.

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