Friday, May 9, 2014

Day of Overlooking

In this fast-paced world, I think we overlook some of the most beautiful reminders of God's glorious creation. Yesterday morning before work, I went on a bike ride. If the delicious crisp air wasn't enough to make me smile, I observed all sorts of awesome creature activity helping me grin ear to ear!

There was the squirrel who decided a fun game a chicken should commence as I approached him rather quickly. Thankfully, he realized my tires were a bit of a match for his furry, little body and he scampered up a tree.

I enjoyed the sight and sound of a apartment complex fountain. At closer look, there were four ducks sleeping near the base of the fountain under the arc of the water spray. I wonder if ducks sleep under the arc of waterfalls.

There were two rabbits appearing to be in deep conversation. I pondered what the topic covered. Rabbit A, "Did you see the ears on that hopper...wowza!" Rabbit B, "How could I? I was too distracted by the velour awesomeness of that coat."

I passed a robin busying herself with nest building. If I focused too heavily on getting from point A to point B, I would've missed seeing the twigs she had gathered in her beak.

Not to be outdone, a rather large turtle made an appearance along the side of the trail. He reminded me the slow and steady do end up winning in the end because they don't miss out on what's going on in their surroundings.

We all have places to go and people to see. Don't become so consumed with this busyness that you forget God created so much around us to calm nerves, anxiety, tempers, depression, etc. Maybe we need a little more of His creation and a little less of our creation.

Day 98: Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing the world with such beauty. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to take in this beauty with open eyes. Thank you for trusting me to share this reminder with anyone who is willing to "listen."

Lord, we need your intervention. We've missed something in the course of this human "advancement." Where did we transition from appreciating the little things to taking them for granted? Our attention is deflected so easily away from you. I don't get it. How can we spend so much time and energy trying to achieve some position at work, for example, as a means of defining our worth? It saddens me to witness others overlook what is right before them. The church, relationships, nature, etc were all created with love. All created for our joy and connection to you. All created for our best interest. Yet, we seem to lose sight of them all to work, work, work. 

Father God, I fear for younger professionals. I pray for bravery amongst those with more years, experience, and wisdom to plead with younger generations to remain grounded and not to overlook life right in front of them. I pray we are able to demonstrate life is defined by far more important elements than an achieved title or position. I ask for an intervention on their behalf. Some may be lost and not know how to trust you, but I trust you to use me and others to help reveal all the goodness that may be overlooked in life.

I love you.


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