Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day of Reboot

My days are a little whack since I've been making up on missing some prayer days; forgive me for the dates. I know I'll eventually catch up, but until then, I appreciate your confused patience. On days I missed prayers, there were topics I wanted to address. One particular was rebooting.

You know how a computer can freeze up when too many actions are drawing on it's operating memory? I don't know about you, but all too often have I had to Ctrl + Alt + Delete and kill some of the applications. What a bittersweet action! On the one hand, it restarts the sucker; on the other hand, I lose valuable work. This is kind of how I got to this being behind in my prayers business. I mentioned in a previous prayer where I need to learn to say NO. In addition to this, I also need to learn sometimes a reboot is necessary, even if work is lost.

I took on too many things at one time. Not wanting to disappoint anyone (including myself), I tried to keep a happy face, but was becoming burdened with everything, even my prayer blog. My children's activities, certification classes, bible studies, and prayer blog were crashing into one another and freezing up my ability to function effectively. I felt I wasn't able to give my all to everything and started losing work (or, in this case, daily prayer posts and proper bible study preparation).

I have completed my certification classes, both my community group and bible study are complete, and my daughters' schedules will be consumed with softball at the same location. I feel I'm in the reboot mode. The chaos has slowed and with that the opportunity to selectively choose which activities I can dedicate my time. Learning to say no is an important step, but learning to reboot and redirect priorities is as well.

Day 90: Heavenly Father, thank you for not rescuing me too soon when things get a little too harried. Thank you for providing me the wisdom necessary to travel the life's crazy roads and make changes when necessary.

Lord, for those who honor Sundays as a true day of rest, I commend them. However, I worry perhaps too much is squeezed into the other six days of the week we end up on system overload. Rather than resting, I fear we may be crashing. Isn't something wrong with the modern day human if the only way to slow down is a literal system shutdown. Shouldn't we find balance in all our days so that we can make the most of each of our days? 

Father God, as a church, what do we do to bring these concerns to the attention of our fellow believers? How do you explain to the mom working two jobs to feed her family, she's working too much and will eventually crash and burn? How do we invigorate the church to sacrifice to this mom, so she may feel embraced by her community through your love and not continue trying to do it all on her own. Compel us, please Father! Lay on our hearts the burdens of others. Instill in us the necessity of community if we are ever going to be a church with the right center in priority. It is through my love for you, Heavenly Father, and the love for my neighbors that I beg for your intervention.

I love you.


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