Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day of Kindness

If you saw me early this morning, you might say, "did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" It certainly would be a justified question. I grumbled about the bitter cold. I argued about the little one's outfit. I pouted about a missing trash and leaving bags on the snow mound, likely to freeze and fall into the ditch. I shouted at an oncoming driver who must have assumed the road was only one way and for her access only. It seemed like this was going to be one heck of a bad hair day (did I mention, I really was having a bad hair day)!

But, alas, the kindness of a stranger completely changed my demeanor. As I pulled up to pay for my "treat" coffee, I was informed the patron in front of me paid for my order. How generous!! This "pay it forward" moment changed my entire outlook on the day. I laughed at myself for the overreaction from earlier in the morning. This beautiful gesture reminded me of something extremely important, making mountains out of molehills doesn't miraculously make the molehills more important or justify our overreaction.

The rest of the day was transformed by the kindness of that stranger. I successfully completed several tasks on my list. I hugged a few of my favorite work friends (remember, I LOVE hugs). I conversed with a friend who I am thankful God has brought into my life. I exchanged friendly barbs with a friend which hopefully brightened his spirits as much as they did mine. I received positive feedback for some activities I've been tackling. I learned of my girls' continuous successes in school and shared with them how proud I am for who they are becoming. Can you believe a day which could've spiraled downhill with snarky comments, bitter exchanges, and a jaded view of the day was changed because of someone's selfless act in the Starbucks drive-thru? That's God at work!! Some people might say, "nah, that's just doing the right thing" or "nah, your morals don't come from some invisible man in the sky." But, let me ask this, if our goodness does not come from God, then what differentiates us from all the other animals in the animal kingdom?

Day 22: Heavenly Father, thank you for working through a stranger today to show your kindness, mercy, and love. Your faithfulness to know each of us intimately doesn't surprise me that Starbucks would be the location for a tangible reminder for me of your presence. Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to witness the kindness extended to me. I fear without your clarity, I may have been stuck in a selfish pity party for my molehills today.

Father, thank you for your infinite kindness. You have provided numerous messages through your Word regarding kindness toward others. Your gentleness and compassion for your people to teach us a fundamental way to foster loving relationships with each other keeps me in awe. Lord, you know I am a patient person, but my patience does where thin when I find myself repeating advice which falls on deaf ears. Yet, you mentioned at least 56 times in the Bible to be kind to one another. You could have given up on humans so many times and been justified (at least, through secular eyes). But, you didn't give up on us. Thank you for your unrelenting love for a very flawed people.

Father God, please continue working in my life to demonstrate your mercy, love, and kindness. When I feel weak, strengthen my spirit. When I feel lost, reveal your path. When I am overwhelmed, lighten my load. When I am defensive, lower my sword. Lord, please bombard me with your Spirit to share your kindness in my interactions with others.

I love you.

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