Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day of Soul

Sorry to disappoint music lovers, this isn't about Etta James, Ray Charles, or even James Brown! This prayer is about losing yourself to worldly things. Do you ever get discouraged about making more money, having more stuff, or achieving some professional status in your career? Let's be honest, who hasn't? When over 1/3 of our day is spent working and another 1/3 sleeping, it seems like we leave ourselves with very little time for our soul. If we can't check the work stuff at the door, we let the work time takeover our soul time.

Now consider what we strive for in our daily working. We want pay raises and promotions. Again, not a bad thing. But, what if we don't get those? We could certainly sit and vent about the circumstances stacked against us, subjective reviews, and politics as I did this week. Or, we can go to work every day, do the best we can, be thankful for employment, and leave the job at the door every night knowing we fulfilled the expectations of us.

I was so discouraged after receiving my annual review on Wednesday. I am used to being one of the employees achieving high ratings and opportunities for advancement. But, this time, I received average...meets what we pay her to do...nothing much more. I was completely blown away! There were many things I've endured over the last year with management disagreements, reporting to many chiefs, using my personal time to support another unit for whom I want to work eventually, and advancing my learning through certification classes. I was down right frustrated this wasn't acknowledged and rated accordingly. But, after hearing TobyMac's Lose My Soul (of course, right in the midst of me wallowing in self pity), it dawned on me, THIS is what I'm worrying about!!! I'm worrying about this worldy thing called a job. I'm letting a subjective score change my demeanor? I'm letting one measly rating out of over 20 years of evaluations hamper my spirits.

God spoke! He's said: STOP! I'm telling you this doesn't matter. Stop letting this world tell you whether or not you have value. Stop losing yourself to anger, frustration, defeat, despair, jealousy, pride. Don't lose yourself trying to gain the whole world; you'll lose your soul in the process. I created you with a specific purpose. Spend time praying. Spend time loving. Spend time searching and seeking to please Me. If you do that, I will reward you abundantly with eternal life in my kingdom!!

Day 71: Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding me of the unnecessary burdens I place on myself when I get lost in human expectations and not your expectations. Thank you for laying out the perspective so clearly. I needed that hit me upside the head intervention to remind me what really matters.

Lord, I struggle with getting sucked into drama. I despise drama! I've turned away from several relationships because of my total disinterest in drama, particularly of the self-imposed kind. But, God, for some reason, when I'm around others who fuel the fire w/their own discontent about situations (even my situations), I can find myself easily grumbling right along with them. I'm conscious of the need to change this, but for some reason the message in my heart and mind, are twisted as words leave my mouth.

Thank you, Father God, for knowing I need firm direction in this area. I don't have interest nor do I have time for drama, most of all my very own! It's soul crushing!

I love you.


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